Archive of all blog posts

Noticias y anuncios: Black Friday Pay What You Want Deal

I know many of you are still quite impacted by the pandemic, and looking for some good Black Friday deals to help you out this year. Because of that, I'm re-opening the Pay What You Want offer that we had last year -- this will let you choose your own price for a month of full membership time. Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Sun and tree poses from Theo

At this point, it feels redundant to describe Theo's photos as dynamic, but the gymnastics he managed to capture using sunlight through the trees are in fact wonderfully dynamic! This series of 12 will join the figure study rotation today for everyone. Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: All the achievements

I've already mentioned it briefly, but one of the things that was added during our maintenance period was 110% more achievement badges to be unlocked. You may have already earned yourself some of these new ones! Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Maintenance complete!

Maintenance is complete! A LOT of things were updated during this maintenance, though most of it is invisible under-the-hood stuff meant to keep the site working now and into the future. However, there were a few user facing features that made it into this patch! Seguir leyendo