5 min gesture
© 2020 Aidanconklin
Done as part of a 30 minute class.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
Polyvios Animations
I love your relaxation of movement on that life sketch, Aidanconklin, cause you did a very, very fantastic job on it. So, this leaves me with one little advice from me to you: Why don't you go for another 10 minute drawing, please, please? Because, you'll be more, more faster, efficient, and reliable with your values, as applied to your figure studies. For more details, look up the ebook, Light & Shade, by Anson K. Cross. Will you that, please, too?
Keep up the really great work,
Polyvios Aninations
Keep up the really great work,
Polyvios Aninations
Try varying the weight of your strokes and accentuate the bone structure of the knee in the foreground.