May 12
© 2020 Hellowinter
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 60 seconds in length. My current goal is: Reduce stiffness and make my drawings feel more dynamic, energetic, fluid
Hi, hellowinter! I think you've gotten proportions and anatomy right, which is really good! a suggestion I would give you is to draw a "line of action" that really exaggerates the pose you're trying to give your characters. It's easier to scale down than scale up. I think you did a good job on the character that is jumping because you can see the fluidy. (shrink and strech is soemthing to look into too) Great job!
Excellent gestures! For more dynamism, you need to push the movement. Find the center line/lines of action, and exaggerate the bends. Same goes for the limbs and the neck. Look up "Drawing with Force". This provides you with a gestural technique that can help you to push the pose and thus create even more dynamic figures.
Polyvios Animations
Really attractive job, hellowinter, however, I've got one more smaller suggestion: I see some form in one of the poses, why don't you do 4 minutes of 2 minute (120 second) scribbles, if you may do so pretty, pretty, pretty please????? Why?????? It's because your forms and details and forces will become more and most dynamic, energetic, fluid, and action packed, and least stiff. Pray that it'll be even most constructive.
Polyvios Animations
Polyvios Animations