Account registrations re-opened


william r liberto (unregistered visitor)
sou do brasil
Colette (unregistered visitor)
Good morning. I am Colette from France, I know your site for a few years, I am 68 years old and would like to work again with your tools (the mode class is very interesting). I am sorry, I do not understand exactly what I have to do to draw, because your site is now very different of the last week's site. And I cannot see the models, all is black. How can I do ? Thank you for help me
Kim - Administrador del sitio
So far, everyone who has experienced this bug with the screen going black has been using some version of Internet Explorer. I recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox (both free to download) until we are able to fix it. :)

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Como parte de nuestros esfuerzos contra el correo no deseado, tu dirección IP se registrará en nuestros registros cuando publiques tu comentario.