Nicest job on your first-ever tries to take the plunge in figural gesture drawing, cherry, please keep those up, but I'm not totally and completely getting enough of the strongest, loosest and liveliest lines of action and rhythm in your poses. Why don't you please go for the strengthening of those lines of action and rhythm with 5 more minutes of 30 second scribbly attitudes and expressions?
The reason or explanation behind this critique is because you can, shall, and will be able to make your lines of action and rhythm the most totally boldest and powerful in your poses. For most info, please pick up a copy of Kindle of the 2 Walt Stanchfield books on Amazon, which I haven't bought yet. Hope these have been completely, totally, and absolutely useful, helpful, and encouraging.
Welcome to the site! Its way more fun interacting! And believe me, although you can get better at art on your own, it goes much smoother and quicker when you ask for input and critique on sites like this. This one is a little less active than I'd like, but the people here are friendly and we try to help when we can.
Now I can tell you draw a lot by your gesture drawings. WHen you use less lines, the motion of the figure comes through. But a thing you need to work on is line confidence. You are drawing lines over and over, trying to get the angles right. If you took your time a little bit when drawing the first line, you'll practice getting it right the first time and you'll practice visualizing the line in your head.
If you are having trouble stopping your hand from doing frantic scribbling lines, hold it slightly above the monitor and "ghost" the line until you are a bit more confident with the angle, then apply pressure.
THats the tip I tend to give everyone at some point, but scribbly lines are something we all struggle with and writing this advice out helps remind me to stick with it myself. Keep it up, you are very talented!
Less on a page is best. It looks like you are working digitally. That is cool. Just zoom in so there is nothing else on the page, Just empty space. This will help you concentrate more on your figures. Also, don't do the "make it fit" if you go off the page, that is fine. Let it happen. These things will stop your figures from becoming squished.
Keep showing your work, its great for the ticking of your skin and a real recharge when you don't feel like drawing but know you need to work on "blank" so you can make your hobby happen. Great start.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
These sketches are awesome! I especially like the ones in the second image, they have so much form and weight to them, so great job. I would say that a few of the bodies you have drawn seem a bit thin and stretched out, so watch out for that. Overall great work, better than what I could do! I'm impressed and inspired :). Good luck with continuing to build your art skills, you've got a great set of skills to build on.