Hi Maegel, welcome to the site! :)
Your portraits are pretty stunning, wow! Love them very much. :)
Gestures can be a tricky next step, but I don't see anything really wrong with yours. How long are you spending on each gesture? (I'm not sure if those 60 and 2 minutes refer to an entire session with multiple gestures.)
The goal of these is to capture a few basic elements in as little strokes and little time as possible. Motion and proportions are usually the main focus for most people. It builds a pretty strong foundation to work and elaborate from. I've found that quick strokes for the action line capture motion best. S-shapes for the action line (spine) should be avoided because they hinder motion.
In case you haven't read them yet, we have some articles that explain how to build gestures:
Let me know if this was any help at all! Feel free to post updates about your gestures too when you draw new ones. :)
(I deleted the other topic on your request by the way!)