some gesture after a few months of practice

Inicio Foros Crítica some gesture after a few months of practice

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Thestripper hace 3 años.

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  • #28199
    the fluency is improving, but i feel that it needs more variety, some critique? thanks in advance

    edit: oh, i forgot, they are 30 sec
    • Vicious Pony edited this post on February 24, 2022 5:38pm. Reason: edit: oh, i forgot, they are 30 sec 
    • Vicious Pony edited this post on February 24, 2022 5:39pm.
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    Howdy, ViciousPony! Good afternoon, I'm Polyvios, how are you?! Sorry if I was a little too excited in my tone. Anyways, great job on your fluency and organicness of the lines and shapes. Way to go. I've got one small recommendation: I love how much freedom with a softer pencil, but I'm not getting enough of the rounded cartooniness in the poses. Would you please free yourself up with a wax crayon, like Crayola, with a 15 minute session of 29 second quick attitudes? (900 seconds/29 seconds=about 31 quick sketches) The reason why you could go ahead with this suggestion is because it can make your fluency more funky and looser in your sketching and your hands. For more details, be sure to look at this link right here:

    Good luck, and I hope this link helps you out more.
    Hello Polyvios Animations, i sincerely appreciate that you have answered me.
    I see, so i was missing that, i will apply it soon!
    the fluidity in these are really nice !! the poses are very clear and energetic, i think the lack of variety you mentioned could be partly because of the torso and shoulder area? all of the poses you sampled are very static in that part, and maybe some extra exaggeration or definition in the form could help you achieve that goal. a youtube video that helped me with that personally was a video by Love Life Drawing, and another by Drawfee extra (i'll link both below) they talk a bit about how to simplify the pose into easier to comprehend 3D forms. i think 60 second studies might be helpful for practicing shorthands for these as well :)

    what you have is already really good and i wish you well with your studies !!

    (since the hyperlinks didn't work - those videos are "4 Simple Tweaks to Transform Beginner Drawings" by Love Life Drawing and "Karina Teaches Anatomy" by Drawfee Extra)

    • passout edited this post on March 3, 2022 11:24pm.
    • passout edited this post on March 3, 2022 11:25pm.
    passout, thanks for answering. And yes, i knew that something was wrong in the upper part of the body XD, i will try to improve that through those videos, tyty
    I love how loose those drawings are rendered. In 30 second poses this is a good level of drawing complexity, nothing more is needed to describe the pose. I can easily read and understand them all. I would advice you to try and avoid the short scratchy lines (like on the second pose on the first sheet, the one with two swords). Aim for flowing, long and light lines until you find the gesture and then put it down in one motion. Maybe those are contour lines or so called "rubber bands"? That's good practice to use those. Maybe it's time to try 60 second poses but try to clean things up a little. Don't take the complexity of your drawing any further but try to be more exact. In 60 seconds you can move a little slower.

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