Time spent drawing not registering [RESUELTO]

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Claes 5 years ago.

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  • #3623

    I changed my drawing goal from 30min/day to 10min/day (not much, I know, but I was missing too many days and this could actually be a feasible goal) but the tool seems to have stopped registering the time spent drawing. The daily goal tracker shows nothing, and the indicator on the right just reads "spent practicing this week" (instead of "X minutes spent practicing"). My current goal is "Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses".

    - did two free sessions of 60s and 1min poses, adding up to about 15 min - nothing

    - set a class mode session running in the background to test it. Class just finished, nothing. The counter normally ticks up while I refresh the page, but that isn't happening here.

    I'm in the EU/Madrid timezone, if it helps.

    P.S. because it can't be said enough: this site is amazing. I've filled a folder and (nearly) an A4 sketchpad thanks to all the sessions I've done here. Thank you so much for all the work you put into it!

    ETA: tried a different browser in case it was a cookie issue, but no change. (Firefox > Chrome)

    • EmeraldBoa edited this post on February 28, 2019 12:16pm. Reason: checking cookies
    • Kim edited this post on March 5, 2019 2:10am. Reason: Tentatively closing support request, barring further reports
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    It has stopped registering for me too. I did not change anything at all in my settings or the time goal per week.


    Seems to be a general issue, because i have exactly the same issue like you.


    I have the same problem. Now my 94 day streak is broken!


    Let me take a look! It does seem to be a general site-wide issue. :)

    @Ab2qj That's an impressive streak. Lemme see if I can fix it for you!


    I'm not totally sure what happened there yet -- when I went poking around, it seemed like it was only accepting about 1/4 of the reports it was getting about practice times. As I poked around, it seemed to resolve. I don't think I changed anything. I will continue poking in hopes I can figure out what caused it so we can take action to prevent it happening again.

    Ab2qj - You should have your streak back, please direct message me if you do not.

    EmeraldBoa - Since you mentioned specific times, I've tried to add those back in for you as well.

    Thank you so much to everyone who posted here!


    Hey, eh...could you go poke some more. Because I have seen the spend practicing this week go backwards lol. Also if I reload the page the spend practicing this week shows blank. https://sta.sh/023bwj085ad

    • Claes edited this post on August 22, 2019 12:02pm.

    Hi Claes, can you please send Kim a direct message about this? Thank you!


    Thanks for the response. Message send.

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