Ways to avoid a certain photographer when drawing?

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Kim 5 years ago.

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  • #3072

    i LOVE this website and I think it’s really cool. A lot of the photography is beautiful and tasteful. However, there is one photographer (marcus j ranum) who has noticeably fetishistic work. Girls in full latex suits, girls in weird rabbit costumes, women tied up in various helpless positions- there was one he had of a woman fondling her breasts on here. I find it disturbing and distracting- I don’t like when the nude body is made into a fetish display and I’d simply prefer not to see that sort of thing when I’m trying to work. Can I blacklist him from my slideshow somehow?

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    There's currently no way to remove a particular photographer's work, sorry! I am working very hard on a feature which will allow filtering photos based on various tags, such as filtering out sexy photos or photos involving costumes, which might address some of what you're looking for.

    Marcus' photos were really intended more for stock photography use rather than artist training work, but his permissive use licenses were some of the most generous we encountered when looking for our original supply of photos.


    Thank you for the reply, Kim! I really appreciate it :-), and I understand that it must be hard work to continue making such a wonderfully helpful website and resource. I will keep this in mind


    Maybe try reframing it? This kind of fetishy stuff shows up in stories a lot. Maybe flip the gender. Maybe use it to try and push the storytelling in the pose so it’s less about sexy and more about why? Maybe imagine the model in one of the bird costumes?

    (yeah there’s definitely stuff in the library that I’m not keen on either, but I also run into enough stuff where it’s really obvious the artist doesn’t have their own boobs to use as reference that I’m kinda glad the fetish stuff is in there)


    I appreciate the suggestions Torrilin, but I just want to jump back in and say, as admin of the site: It is totally valid for some members to not want to see certain subjects, no matter how they are framing them in their minds or trying to flip the scripts, etc. There are a myriad of reasons why this might be the case. It's also quite a lot to try to do mentally when the main object is to study the pose and learn from it, sometimes in 30 seconds or less, without also having to come up with a whole backstory for the pose.

    On another note, it occurs to me that requesting "only nude" models would remove a large quantity of these costumes you don't want to see, Meow420! Unless, of course, you don't want to see the nudity either.

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