Mensajes en el foro por Michael99

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  • #25980

    I've been trying to study heads and facial expressions a little more. Here is my most recent 30 minute class

    I'm trying to see how I can simplify them to fit onto my figure drawings but still maintain their expressions, which is why I've been trying to draw them relatively small and on the one page. It feels very difficult for me, I strangely seem to understand the anatomy of the rest of the body much better than the face. I mainly have issues with the jaw and mouth and I struggle a lot when it comes to drawing females.

    Any advice is welcome, whether it's something I'm doing wrong or something I can do to make the process more manageble :)


    Hello, I've used this site a couple times before but have never really posted. Mainly due to feeling overly self concious of whatever I make. Below is my most recent session, which was the 30 minute figure drawing class.

    One thing that I feel I struggle with is the shorter sketches, the 30 second and 1 minutes sketches to be precise. I tend to panic and they end up with messy proportions or are a bit hard to read.

    If you have any advice on better methods I should try using or anything of the sort, I'd be happy to hear them :) oh, and in case anyone asks, I've only been drawing for about half a year or so now so I'm very much beginner level
