Mensajes en el foro por Davidj XIII

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  • #26434
    You are doing great, there is form there and the gestures show through. It just takes consistency over time and you will steadily feel more comfortable with the challenge gesture drawing brings and you will get the hunger to push through the suck.

    I recommend the website, not as a replacement for here, but for good exercises and his comic series is great too, and how we can all relate to that feeling of "eurgh, this sucks!" but how it is all part of the journey.

    Just think of it as getting the rough sludge out, the more you do. The way I see it, the more I make and notice my mistakes, the more I am improving. So you're right, don't be discouraged by your current mindset, just keep watching others, challenge yourself and you will consciously/subconsciously smooth out the rough edges sooner than you may think.

    Keep up the good fight!
    These are really great. Great overall body proportion and capturing of the line of action/bodily gesture. I get a Loomis feel from your form structures and shows a good understanding of form.

    My only comment would be to focus on one figure per sheet, increasing your canvas size per figure. This will help challenge and lock in your current understanding further, as you will be more aware of the proportions in each area in relation to the overall form.

    Keep it up! Great stuff :D