May 7, 2024 1:58am #31536One thing I am consistently proud of throughout my figure drawing practice is the sheer volume of work I produce.
At the end of every month, I put it together and feel an immense sense of pride.
I am open to all critiques :)
[url=&ab_channel=St.Valentine]&ab_channel=St.Valentine[/url]May 7, 2024 1:44am #31535I am back to drawing with ink to work on my contours and lines.
But I will miss working with graphite it helped me a lot with my shading.
Which do you prefer?
Stvalentine14 edited this post on May 6, 2024 10:44pm.
April 25, 2024 7:24am #31439it's better to try to draw for 2 hours and quit after just 1 hour than to not draw at all.
Progress is not linear, treat yourself with kindness.April 22, 2024 10:10pm #31413Yes on the Proko website, they released a timer tool like LOA.
You should check it out because they have a lot of model packs you can add on for variety.April 9, 2024 12:11am #31310Hi friend! I feel your frustration. First, I want you to remember that progress is not linear. Practice will not make perfect but it's the only thing you can control. That said, I will try to give helpful critiques for you to improve.
The first thing I noticed was that your work needs more simplification and abstraction. You should be trying to represent the gesture or the general "vibe" of the pose, you are trying too hard to represent the forms of the body. Furthermore, your forms are very blocky and disconnected. Try to create a line of action that connects the whole figure from the head through the spine and all the way to the pelvis, this will give a more natural flow to your figures. Also, you have too many scratchy lines, try to only use simplified shapes to represent body parts. This will give them a more structured and contained look. Finally, I think your line quality shows a lack of confidence and lack of trust in your hand. I would advise you to start drawing with a ballpoint pen. Drawing in a medium where you do not have the option to erase will force you to commit to what you put on paper.
Tracking your progress over longer periods of time will show you how much you have improved. Don't Give Up!1April 1, 2024 7:22pm #31284Hello and Happy Spring!
Another month has gone by so here is my monthly figure drawing progress video, as always, I am open to all your critiques!
March was an exercise in patience, I have learned that progress is not linear but it is exponential!
One small adjustment can change the way you see everything.
I am studying from Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing Design and Invention book.
Stvalentine14 edited this post on April 1, 2024 4:27pm.
Stvalentine14 edited this post on April 1, 2024 4:27pm.
March 13, 2024 4:46pm #31108I am taking your critiques to heart! I also started attending figure drawing sessions in person and I am learning a lot by drawing from life.
I still have a long way to go, thanks for supporting me through this journey!March 4, 2024 11:22pm #31060March 4, 2024 11:20pm #31059In January I made a video to show my monthly progress in figure drawing. I got some great advice from this forum so, I decided to continue tracking my progress this way.
With that said, here is the February edition
As always, I am open to all critiques. Thank you!
&ab_channel=St.ValentineFebruary 26, 2024 11:13pm #30979Hello!
Thank you for your thoughtful critique it was very helpful. You're correct when you said, "I think it could benefit you to try and get the whole body on the page when you draw." I went to a life figure drawing session yesterday and I got a similar comment from an artist there. They also gave me some advice on making the full figures fit into the page by visualizing the proportions on the page before I drew the line of action.
My focus for March will be to continue improving proportions and increasing my confidence in drawing the extremities as you mentioned hands and feet are some of my weaknesses. I am learning a lot, the next video with February's compilation will be out at the end of this week.
Thank you again for your advice!February 20, 2024 11:22pm #30943I put together a video of all the quick sketches I practiced in January.
I am turning this into a monthly series to show my progress throughout the year.
If you are interested please take a look, all feedback is welcomed.
https://youtu.be/aojEtAaEkpg?si=MtWfhcNfwRvyToeU -