Mensajes en el foro por Adku

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  • #4257
    Interesting podcast episode, little bit about drawing from imagination:

    Marshall Vandruff mentioned one important thing, that when he was young book Andrew Loomis "Fun with a pencil" would change his life.
    It might be good idea to train it much more deeply and spend more time on this book.

    What do you think?

    There are also interesting comments below this movie.
    • Adku edited this post on September 18, 2019 5:24am.
    So I don't have any tutorials for you, but I did some research in this topic. I'm able to observe and draw good enough from observation, but from imagination it's totally different topic and I have big troubles with it.

    Great resource to listen about imagination topic is Proko:
    This movie contain one important thing: you can draw 10 years from observation and still can't draw from imagination. It's just different.

    So what you can do:
    1. Draw thumbnails, small, general shapes, without much details.

    2. Draw silhouettes, 10, 15 etc.

    Examples from pros:

    3. Choose one random silhouette and try create something new, just try too draw what you see your mind eyes.
    ( Anyway it would be great feature to have class mode with silhouettes)

    4. Try research something more about "How to design something" instead "How to draw something" (change "something" to e.g "creatures")

    5. You can check books: "Sketching from imagination", great drawings and some advices about sketching.

    6. You can try read this article:

    Please share your advices too, I will appreciate it. Unfortunately I still can't draw from imagination. So not sure if my few above suggestions are good. It's just my research.
    @Kim what do you think about goal "Drawing animals from imagination"? is it to big or just fine?
    • Adku edited this post on September 10, 2018 7:29pm.
    Maybe you can try something little bit different. For example change your topic. Try different exercises. Do warmup before drawing session. Do exercises like: 2 drawings reference photos and then draw same thing from memory.

    Practice your foundation: Form, Gesture, Structure and Perspective.