Mensajes en el foro por davew

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  • #2659
    I would say the answer to that is yes ,any practise will help
    I know you are probably talking about faces but if you draw feet for example you will realise the toes are not straight and evenly spaced after looking at a few photos ,these sorts of things are little bits of memory that are stored same as differences in noses ,eyes ,planes ,angles, proportions........whatever all little bits of information stored in your memory bank which when you draw from imagination will be recalled after enough practice ......well thats my thoughts on it for what its worth
    Hi Nsw ,I have used this site for a few weeks now and from not being able to figure out how to do the initial 30 second sketch Im finally getting it ,I use it basically everyday ,usually the 1 hour class and from thinking I was somehow completely deficient some of my sketches are actually looking like something ,I know what you mean regarding what shapes to use and everyone on youtube seems to use something different but I seem to have settled on a mixture (a squarish triangular cylinder shape )just kidding,I think because of the 30 sec intervals to start I am finding that I am now not actually thinking about what Im doing and just doing it ,it was frustrating at first but fun which is the main point and now becoming more satisfied with the results ,
    as for a good place to get information check out Alphonso Dunn on youtube he has a way of breaking things down and explaining what seems like complex ideas very simply ,he's an excellent teacher......Sycra is pretty good to.
    Ha I made a $25 donation with an account and it hasn't registered except in my bank account ??
    Not to worry I get a lot of value out of this site