August 30, 2018 1:51pm #2711August 26, 2018 3:54am #579Hey, I've been using this site daily for at least two weeks now and I have to say that I love it. There are a few things that grinds my gears though. The first thing is the ratio of female to male, but when I put 'both' for male and female, the majority of the images will be women hanging from the cieling in cloth or a three quarters with huge breasts, about a 10/12 ratio. When I switched to male only the archive is so limited that I feel like I do a good pose because I've done it before.
So I heard some of the money you raised and future membership fees would go to photoshoots, what are the things you had in mind? I hope a plethora of differences in age and builds. Is there any plans for photoshoots soon?
I've also gotten familiar with a site called quickposes.com which does a similiar job to line-of-action with a few differences ofcourse. It might sound silly but a simple thing as tracking your hours spent would definitely add to the experience, why not achievements? It will definitely keep some of the audience and help grow the community.August 23, 2018 1:08pm #2698Oh I forgot to mention one thing, you mentioned some of your poses were stiff, do you draw with your wrist or your arm? To get a good rythm or a "loose" pose try and make as long strokes as you can. The wrist usually limits you to small but precise strokes which can be usable when detailing. I prefer using the arm all the time cuz after struggling with carpal tunnel using my wrist I just won't risk shiet again :|1August 23, 2018 12:16pm #2697Hey Tacomuffin! First off I just want to say that I like your approach and if you keep this up you will improve fast! =) That being said I hope this will not put you down. These are just things that came to mind on your longer 10 minute pose. Hope it helps!
https://imgur.com/dmJirgq1August 16, 2018 8:05am #2685This is actually a good example on gestures that carry their structure even though the structure is poor. I really like it, apart from a few broken bones and some wonky proportions these look really good. I will try and give you some critique when I get home to ze tabletto1August 16, 2018 7:58am #2684Thanks davew, I just feel like I'm missing some huge boat trip everyone else got on and now I'm swimming around in pitch black grappling with whales and sharks while trying to improve my drawing. I guess the idea of a boat is just my brain screaming at me "IT JUST CANT BE THIS HARD!". I've actually checked them out, I'm not a big fan of tutorial videos though because I've been spending too much time on creatureartteacher and nma to watch another lesson this soon :P. It's like I get lessons by Villpu and Aaron blaise but I am too spoiled with knowledge to be able sit down and decide what lessons to cram. With time and celebacy I shall press onwards to new endevours and conquests with the pencil as my sword! Hurraaah - Hurrrrraaaaaugh!August 16, 2018 2:13am #2682Oh I see, that actually reminds me of something I forgot to mention, I noticed the awkward man with the axe in your 2 minute poses and thought it was a mistake on your part, but then I stumbled into the same image in one of my own sessions. One thing I learned is that changing the pose sometimes is necessary to get movement across as legit, even though reality shows us this very strange isolated upper body twist, if we draw it like that it will come out looking like we did the mistake and not life. which is totally unfair :E1August 16, 2018 2:00am #2681Hey Memoirlee and welcome! =) these gestures are okay, but it looks like you are trying to use anatomy and gesture without any shapes to attach the anatomy onto. If you (like me) struggle with breaking down the body into simple shapes. try focus getting the gesture down with as little detail as possible. I know the breasts look like an important landmark but they're not, they're balloons filled with water ontop of a box and can easily be added at a later stage.
So try focus on getting the lines of action down with as little detail as possible (when it comes down to 30 second poses), speed comes with time, don't sacrifice quality for speed because then you will end up with bad habits which take even more time to unlearn. From what I understand 30 second poses are great to get a sense of the proportions of the figure and are not meant to convey detail unless you can do gesture, construction and anatomy at the same time which comes after we've got a firm grasp on them.
I hope I'll see more sketches memoirlee and not just 30 second poses! =)
Good luck!1August 15, 2018 8:39am #2679No problem, by the way what do you do with your 30 second drawings? Do you build on them after the session or do you leave them as they are?August 15, 2018 1:36am #2676Villpu is one of the great that's for sure so you're no doubt going to improve. Sheldon Borenstein (one of Villpus students) taught me the importance of GCAT (gesture, construction, anatomy and technique). One thing that always stuck with me was how he created these floating simple shapes and connected them with the opposing curves or straights with the rythm of muscles and tendons. Since you're already reading Villpu I have no doubt in my mind you will learn this too - the only thing I really can recommend is watching them demo life drawing. There are a few on youtube of Villpu, sheldon and Steve huston but on nma.art they've got plenty more like Charles Hu, Karl Gnass, Galieote ect. It's subscription based but is packed of master studies and all sorts of shnazzwazz and totally worth the marbles if you have limited study time.1August 13, 2018 1:48pm #2667Hey Wk28, I like your drawings and there's only a minor thing I feel competent enough to touch on. I like more neat pieces myself so I may be biased but try limiting your shading, it can easily become a crutch for poor construction and anatomy. In 5 minute poses try focus on the things that you struggle with, shading is the easy part, it's the dessert after a good day of hard work in construction and flexing dem anatomy knoleges.1August 12, 2018 1:50pm #2663Hey Kurt, I'm back at the drawing board and have thrown together what I think I would've liked to hear when I first started drawing. Hope you find my scribblings useful! Good night!
https://imgur.com/a/AgH7CTp1August 12, 2018 10:55am #2661Hey Leon nice animations and progress on your drawing skills!👍 That being said, there’s no real secret to learning anatomy, there are lots of 3d apps available on the apple store for free 3d human something something. I also took Rey Bustos course on Nma.art, he is real thorough and a good teacher. When it comes to memorization I usually focus on the functions of the muscles and where they attach and when it comes to simplifying I draw over old croquis drawings or reference in photoshop with the 3d human app for reference. But like I almost always add as sort of a disclaimer, I’m only a dabbler in art for the moment so there might be better ways of getting it down.1August 6, 2018 10:44am #2642Hey Riceball, I like your hands :). I feel like your body parts are thought of as individual parts tho, your head in figure2 is a good example, it’s floating mid air. Also if you’re doing just five minute poses try to avoid showing form with shadow and focus on showing it with overlapping forms instead. Look up Cambiaso box drawings on google, they really helped me understand the importance of construction 🚧 but your drawings look good, also try to add your interval next to your figure, it is easier to give critique then :-) cheers!1August 6, 2018 9:38am #2640Hey Kurt, for someone who has just picked up digital it’s lookin good. But I can’t really critique properly if I don’t know the time interval you had. All I can say is that I feel you have to work on showing form and direction. Have you tried capturing the gestures with simple shapes? I’ll do a draw over when I get home, visiting parents for the week so stuck on my mobile 😞1 -