Good work so far in capturing the entirety of each pose in your 30-second gestures; I think you are doing well when it comes to the shorter amount of time to capture the essence of each pose. Like you, I like the short amount of time because it pushes me to make decisions faster to get the overall pose.
Try keeping that same quickness when you translate to doing 2-minute poses, such as: making marks in one smooth, flowy line, keeping the pose simple like in your 30-second gestures, and capturing the overall form of each limb.
I think you are doing a great job, so good luck and keep up the work!
You did well capturing the gesture and the entire pose of each figure. And your lines look good, it even loos like you emphasized certain lines to define the structure more, so good job. What I would say you could improve on is the volume of each shape you are defining; some shapes could be a bit bigger, or more volume-us if that makes sense. Other than that, good job; keep it up!