
by MNorman98, March 1st 2019 © 2019 MNorman98
Done as part of a 1 hour class. My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses
Hi MNorman!

These studies are so expressive. I especially love how dynamic the curve of the spines are in the drawings on the left. Even with just a few basic shapes and lines, you communicate the basic pose effectively and give a good sense of weight and balance.

When you have a little more time, I suggest adding in S curves for the arms and legs too. You could also add in circles for the joints. Using the single line to express the spine seems to have worked really well for you, so it seems like it's worthwhile to incorporate it into your underdrawing of the limbs too.

In the more finished pieces on the right, I love your use of the heavy black line to add in a confident outer contour. Having the contrast between the pale underdrawing and bold final line is really striking and eye-catching.

You are doing so well. Can't wait to see what you do next!

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