60 second figure drawing sample 1

by Momomimi, March 25th 2020 © 2020 Momomimi
Did my first try of 60 second speed gesture drawing. Trying to hold my mechanical .5 pencil further back so I can achieve better flow. Looking to see how this looks as a first pass
Polyvios Animations
Nice job on your 60 sec sketches, Momo. Suggestion: Why don't you do some 59 seconds of figure studies, please? Pretty?

Polyvios Animations
When you say figure studies, how do you mean? Anatomy?
Polyvios Animations
Figure studies, I think, I mean, figure anatomy. I hope my answer was supportive. BTW, what's your goal?

Polyvios Aninations.

P.S. The reason why you could do some 59 second sketches is so that you could be a little bit, more faster with your movements.
My goal is to be able to draw characters and tell stories. In storyboards and character designs. I know I have taken an anatomy class before (taught by Aaron Blaise) but it has been awhile since I watched those videos. It may be good to go back and watch them over again.

So far, the biggest thing holding me back from reaching my goal, is that I'm not confident in my lines (I've been drawing from my wrist, not my shoulder) and I've been avoiding my weaknesses when I draw (putting messy hands in pockets etc).

I want to learn from my mistakes and really improve, to something that feels grounded and real.
I see that you are doing what I tend to do - I really want to skip forward to the point where I can see the whole figure. Try to keep it simple and just train your eye hand movements.
That seems to be my biggest problem. Any suggestions on how I can best train eye/hand movements? I'm looking for some simple every day practice so I can start seeing some improvement.
I try to restrain myself from skipping forward in the process. I have to be hard on myself and try to follow the instructions here.

Draw the movement, put in the ribcage, the pelvisarea and the head, if I have time mark out the joints, hands and feet. When that is done i skip forward to the next. Just trying to be strict with myself. Perhaps this will help you too?!