© 2020 SINE
Done as part of a 2 hour class.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
Try to do the same draw but first with a reference and then without the reference.
the bodies are coming together well, the heads are not. It might be helpful to look up a daigram of facial proportions for reference during your next drawing session.
I can see the different proportions that you were working on. The woman's arms seem to be to narrow at the shoulder and almost seem stuck on. The man's distant arm seems to have a smilar problem, the arm nearer to the viewer seems to have been done well. Overall very well done.
The figures are drawn well with maybe the exception of too long arms and stiff body parts.try to differ that and it's very good
Polyvios Animations
Greatest job on your humans, SINE. Greatest job! But I've got one more smaller critique: Your leg forces and forms are totally certain, the details, proportions, perspective, and forshortening, and getting certain, really; actually, the former more than the latter. The leg anatomy is fair to middling in it's certainty, especially the man on the left of the image. One tip: Why don't you do another 1 hour class mode of the half-naked male forms? Because you'll be more and more faster, and more and more confident, and more and more slower and careful of controlling, and understanding your overall proportions of the human form. Hope it'll be a really huger asset to you.
Polyvios Animations
Polyvios Animations
thank you again on this helpfull inputs, but i have this bigger issue to solve and this issue is lack of courage with longer lines and less lines if you understund what i mean to say.
Polyvios Animations
Don't worry, SINE, just be patient, and keep at it. Then, you'll feel more better.