Quick dog in motion
© 2020 Jamel R
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 10 minutes in length.
Christin Sytin
what i like about this is how well you captured the movement. maybe some shading for shadows is something that can be added
Danny Art
Very well done for just ten minutes. Especially the upper part of the dog is caputred very dynamically. A little critique: your lines don't look very self-confident, yet. Cheer up and get more stress on your pencil. It is just a sketch and mistakes and wrong lines are allowed. ;)
Polyvios Animations
Excellent job on your dog sketch, JamelR, but I've got one smallest improvement request: I see some of the uncertainty in the forces and forms you've drawn, why don't you go for 10 minutes of 30 second dog or canine poses? The reason why is because, it'll help you push the design and poses of the dogs in a more distorted, and even close to exaggerated way.
Hope it's been completely, totally, definitely, and absolutely benign. Cheers to you.
Hope it's been completely, totally, definitely, and absolutely benign. Cheers to you.
Just one thing:
While the lines on, for example, the front right leg are rather strong, you lose that strength on the other legs or the stomach area. So just try to aim for some more balance
While the lines on, for example, the front right leg are rather strong, you lose that strength on the other legs or the stomach area. So just try to aim for some more balance