16-Second Face Grayscale Warm-Up in Color

by Polyvios Animations, December 20th 2020 © 2020 Polyvios Animations
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 16 seconds in length. My current goal is: Improve my understanding of the forces of the facial skull, in terms of my facial anatomy. Here is my latest color/grayscale face warm-up. As you can see, it's really, really raw-er and authentic, and it helped me loosen up. What do you think of my practice? I'm really getting better at my scribble practice.
What's the purpose of that if you don't mind me asking?
Polyvios Animations
Since you asked, as you can see, I'm really, really getting involved in the process of quick sketching, and that I'm really, really, really going for spontaneity and gutsiness in my line quality. Thank you.
Polyvios Animations
Thanks for noticing my force, Bray101!!

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