Hey there, AuslerDraws, I just wanna say, thanks for the awesome job on loosening up on your very first Imgur post -- on Line of Action. That's a very good job on going for the motion here. Well, if I could provide a completely and sincerely honest criticism, then it would be that some of the poses have a bit too much choppier lines. Why don't you please free yourself up in your decisions of lines, through 120 minutes of 30 second poses???? (120 x 60/30, 7200/30=240 attitudes)
And you wanna know the reason why????????? Because, it would and could help out on making your line economy less rigid, and more dynamic, exaggerated, and fluid. For more info on making some caricatured poses, here is this link on the Vilppu Drawing Manual PDF: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8VO-JQCy3HgVzBhZGtiN3hZWHc/edit
Or better yet, be sure to buy the scarce copy of that book. Good luck to you, and I hope you'll find this definitely and absolutely helpful and informative.