December 14, 2022 4:06am #29159I relate to this post so much. I recently did a class session with feet and hands and felt the same way, that I panic a bit with the 30 seconds and end up scribbling a lot, then calming down during the longer ones. I think the critique I would give you is the same critique I'd give myself; slow down, and try slower, more deliberate lines for the 30s hands. They don't have to be complete, but taking a breath and going slowly may help you organize those shapes better. That's my hope for me, anyway. Your longer sketches look really great.3November 7, 2020 8:02am #26296Here's the image
I'd specifically like critique on my shading. I'm not super happy with the face and hands, but that's not what I'm focusing on this week.
At the moment I'm having trouble understanding lighting and midtones. I thought switching up the color of the paper would be a fun exercise in values. Are there any good tutorials or exercises for getting a good handle on values and shading?October 5, 2020 8:54pm #26228I have to send myself a password reset email in order to login.
When I use that password I just put in to login, it says my credentials don't match records.September 15, 2020 12:10am #26160I'm doing that too! But years ago this is sort of what I did to teach myself anatomy. I was trying to pull a leaf out of the old masters' books.August 19, 2020 9:40pm #26098These look great! I like how you're using the line of action to make your gestures more expressive.
Is there a particular goal you're aiming for? How long did you give yourself to do each pose?1August 19, 2020 9:24pm #26097My last critique post suggested I work on hand and foot anatomy, but there weren't a lot of suggestions for resources besides "the internet". I found this 3D anatomical model database that I used for today's studies. I was wondering if this was a good way to go about it, and if anyone had any other good resources for studying anatomy.
Here's todays practice in case anyone wanted to see.August 17, 2020 8:29pm #26091I've never taken any formal classes; I'm completely self-taught. I decided this semester to start trying to really improve, by doing "classes" through LoA 3 days per week. Today was day 1.
I generally want to improve, but I'm not super clear on what I need to get better at. I feel like my 10 min drawing is better than my 30 min drawing. (I hope you can see all 3 photos in the link below.)
My long term broad goal is comics (very dynamic, well composed, stylized drawings), my short term goal is... uncertain. A little guidance would be much appreciated.
Acharbonnet edited this post on August 17, 2020 5:30pm.