Messages du forum par aimeeryan

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  • #1369
    Your art's great! Overall I would definitely recommend practicing anatomy, especially proportions; and I'd also suggest experimenting with using harder brushes in your paintings and doing away with airbrush altogether. Harder brushes create texture and will make your art more interesting to look at, and most beginners use airbrush because they're not confident in their skills, which holds them back from improving. Therefore, harder brushes are more visually appealing and create a bolder look, and you'll improve faster when using them because any mistakes will be more apparent and easier to pick out and adjust. Good luck with your future art!
    Hi, I hope you're still looking for critiques!

    1. As far as painting goes, I'd suggest using harder brushes and avoiding the use of airbrush altogether. Harder brushes create texture, which makes your work more interesting to look at and shows confidence in your abilities.
    2. I suggest that you work on general human anatomy and facial anatomy studies. Lust's face, Greed's torso, and overall hands and feet could be improved upon.
    3. Try experimenting with colours. The colour palettes you've used in this project are, in my opinion, somewhat lacking in contrast (Greed, especially). Using a wider range of values and saturation would make your work 'pop' more.
    4. And finally, use references. Especially for the lighting; each of the characters is lit directly from the front, and while you've done that well it would create more atmosphere and make your work more striking to have your subjects partially in shadow, or lit from above/below/behind/the side, etc. Also, using references for fire (Wrath) and bat wings (Pride) would make your work more realistic.

    I hope you'll find this useful
    P.S. No need to apologise for your English, it's not bad at all!