
École: n/a Où dans le monde: Texas, US

À propos de origamiSnow

S&D tier by LighthouseRaiders on tiktok is my current obsession. I'd do anything for that funky little community with their funky little characters.

Trying to be better at my art to impress those lovely people as well as to have something to give out as Christmas gifts, since the yearly tradition is something homemade.

réalisations de origamiSnow's

Crayon à papier achievement badge
cours de 30 minutes achievement badge
1 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge
Tutoriel terminé achievement badge
2 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge
cours de 1 d'heures achievement badge
Cours d'une heure et demie achievement badge
cours de 2 d'heures achievement badge
10 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge
5 total d'heures de pratique achievement badge