March 19, 2022 11:31pm #28286Hello there,
Top left drawing:
The uper arm looks a bit weird, like the muscles went down, maybe drawing an arm with just the muscles could help you understand better the shape of each muses and the way they move.
Same remark for the top middle one, the right leg look a bit out of shape. I think the wave of the thigh was reversed.
I don't see anything else on the other drawings, well done on rendering the dynamic or the poses
I really like the 20 minutes ones, lines and movements are great!March 5, 2018 9:49am #2317I'm looking for critics on my drawings since I've recently moved in a new town I don't have access to my old Art Workshop. There's the links to my most recent ones. Thnak you for your time ;)
25 min Woman
10 min Women
Didn't time it
Feet didn't time itMarch 5, 2018 9:13am #487I've just Moved in a new town and don't have acces to my old weekly art workshop. I miss it very much and lack a feedback on my drawing now. I was wondering if I could get it here.
here are some of my most recent drawing.
[img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/1FZBEMPT0HYbEGPB2[/img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/OLL407za9u9XMtSh2 Woman
[img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/O9x86BmMMgOmeY212[/img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/9CazOpurmeEvZUhB3 Women
[img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/xlo6ffnXUpJ3dCh02[/img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/9CazOpurmeEvZUhB3 Feet
[img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/ffgijUaAtEZmQiYb2[/img]https://photos.app.goo.gl/mkGywEFA1rvyqcyo1 Feet https://photos.app.goo.gl/ffgijUaAtEZmQiYb2
Thanks a Lot -