Messages du forum par Alex Parent

  • Auteur
  • #906

    Hello Everyone!

    My name's Alex i just found this forum a few days ago and this post in particular inspired me.
    So i've decided to take part in this challenge!


    Step 1: Identify what you’d like to be better at, and be specific.
    - i want to add gesture in my figures
    - Work on my proportions of the human body and the differences between male and female figure.
    Step 2: Try to break this goal down into smaller goals.
    - Work on silhouette and outline of the human body
    - Understand better the shapes of the figure by studing shadows
    Step 3: Commit to practicing that aspect of drawing 100 times. Each practice should take a minimum of 5 minutes.

    I commit to practice everyday at least 25 minutes for the next 30 days.

    You can follow today's progress on my new tumblr ->