Emmy Plume

Où dans le monde: Paris , FR

À propos de Emmy Plume

Well... there is not so much to say apart from the fact that i love art (thanks captain obvious °-°') and i've been drawing since i was a little girl. my family loves art too, so i don't have problems to practice.
I'm curently studying litterature because what i love most is to tell stories (and illustrate them!), but i don't want to stop doing art, so i register here.
As you can see, I'm french so I'm not that fluent in english (please be indulgent with me >~< )

réalisations de Emmy Plume's

cours de 1 d'heures achievement badge
cours de 30 minutes achievement badge
Première réaction achievement badge
Crayon à papier achievement badge
Tutoriel terminé achievement badge