Messages du forum par Jesse

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  • #3905

    Thank you very much for the response. Artistically wise, I'm an amateur, and no where close to perfecting my skills on drawing human anatomy. I wishe to have enough skill to be able to render my own characters and such, and from what I have heard from others so far, it basically involves a lot of practice.

    Thus far, I've been following the 30 minute practice courses on the site. My goal is to be able to capture the human body's proportions and structures accurately enough to have a decent mannequin from which I can build into greater details.

    As such, I laid out a small short-term goal in that I should try to get at least a 1000 gesture drawings mainly focusing on proportions (by doing the 30 minute course on a daily basis) etc. I intend to supplement my practice during the weekends by doing readings from resources such as Steve Huston's Figure drawing for Artists, and Jeff Mellem's How to Draw People. I'm hoping that by doing consistent practice I can get to Level 2 of what is shown in this link (the 2nd image from the left): Stages of Development I wish to go through

    Once I get there, I wish to then begin digging down into the details and focus on individual body parts.

    This is where I'm so far.


    Thank you so much for the replies. I think I really just needed to take a step back and try to see the bigger picture of things.

    I intend to keep gesture drawing, and just figure anatomy as my focus for now. Having read some of the forum posts, it is nice to know that

    I'm not alone in my confusions. I think I will start with the 30 min course exercise, and alternate with other drawing projects I like to do :)

    Gonna keep that pencil active as much as I can on a daily basis. It's going to be an adventure.


    Hi everyone, I just joined this community. I'm aspiring to be a comic book artist. I got the writing part pretty much covered, but it is the figure drawing that I need to work on. I recently read the post where it was advised that Focused drawing practice is most effective. Problem is I'm not sure where to focus, as I'm generally thinking I should learn to draw figures well. Is this bad? Should I begin by setting a goal for doing an x number of gesture drawings, and then focus towards specific body parts, or just start with a body part of choice and develop from there into complete gesture drawings in the end? I would be thankful for anyone who could give me their templates on practice goals and runs so I can use them as a guide.


    Hi everyone, I just joined this community. I'm aspiring to be a comic book artist. I got the writing part pretty much covered, but it is the figure drawing that I need to work on. I recently read the post where it was advised that Focused drawing practice is most effective. Problem is I'm not sure where to focus, as I'm generally thinking I should learn to draw figures well. Is this bad? Should I begin by setting a goal for doing an x number of gesture drawings, and then focus towards specific body parts, or just start with a body part of choice and develop from there into complete gesture drawings in the end? I would be thankful for anyone who could give me their templates on practice goals and runs so I can use them as a guide.