25 second figure studies (2)

by Pandalance , April 5th 2020 © 2020 Pandalance
as kindly suggested by polyvios animations on one of my other posts, i tried reducing the time i took for quick studies, and it really helped with my flow!
Polyvios Animations
Excellent job, pandalance_! Excellent for following my suggestion! Thank you! But I've got one even much more smaller request: Why don't you do another 26 second sketch pretty please? Why? Because you'll be even much more looser and tighter, and solider, fluider and livelier, in your quick sketch in your next round? Wouldn't you do it for you and me?

Polyvios Animations
Ok. For 25 seconds thise pieces are good. Your gesture is good. Try not to think that much about countures but general gesture. I can suggetst you to improve line quality but even that it is not so bad.