© 2020 Aheading
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form & basic shading.
Tx Williep
The overall proportions look just fine. Check the abdomen. It looks a little off. Do more practice on the entire figure. You are doing excellent work. Keep it up.
looks really good, i would soften the shading on the stomach/torso
- Administrador del sitio
This is a nice piece! This might just be the photograph, but it looks like you are having trouble getting a lot of different values from your pencil. It might help for you to do the practice exercise that goes out with our newsletter. You might also benefit from using a pencil with softer graphite, so you can get better blending.
Tx Williep
If you want a darker lead in a pencil, I would recommend a Prismacolor Bbony ( jet black). A 6B pencil gives to shinny result.
Good work already. Focus a little on the shadowing. So how does the sharp shadowing influence what we can see? For example on her right breast, the shaddow; it creates a more flat looking breast. My suggestion is to soften the contrast between the heavy shaddow and the bright skin
Polyvios Animations
Nice job on your human form, aheading, that's a very, very nicer job. Very, very, very greatest job on capturing the overall proportions of the human form and basic shading.
If I could give you feedback on this subject, I'd give you two things. a) Your female form is about 5 heads high, which is really fine. b) Your shading is fine in terms of the broad strokes.
But that's not all, the critique part where they are concerned. Keep practicing more human form proportions. Look up more info online and on many art books and ebooks you can find-like this link here. Plus for more info about this shading technique, check this link out!
Hope it's been completely and absolutely sympathetic. Take care, and stay healthy!!!
If I could give you feedback on this subject, I'd give you two things. a) Your female form is about 5 heads high, which is really fine. b) Your shading is fine in terms of the broad strokes.
But that's not all, the critique part where they are concerned. Keep practicing more human form proportions. Look up more info online and on many art books and ebooks you can find-like this link here. Plus for more info about this shading technique, check this link out!
Hope it's been completely and absolutely sympathetic. Take care, and stay healthy!!!