Noticias y anuncios

Noticias y anuncios: Setbacks, new photographer, still going to make hands & feet happen

Hi gang, A quick update about progress on the hands and feet tool. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, check out these posts first: Support us page (explains what we were raising the money for, and still are!) Looking for photographers in portland, OR Progress on hands & feet tool I've been feeling terrible about the long delay in getting this tool out, and hurting for the lack of... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Answers to common forum questions

I seem to get the same three questions about the forums again and again, and I imagine that many of you out there are wondering the same things but have never taken the time to write. So today, here are the answers to your top questions about using the forums! How do I post images on the forums? Use this tag: [img][/img] How do I add an avatar/icon to my... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: New forum moderator

Good news! Sanne has stepped up to help me moderate the forums. I have had the great pleasure of moderating other sites alongside her in the past, so I know that she is a top-notch mod. She will be around to help answer questions, deal with tech support questions, move threads, provide encouragement, and just generally be awesome while I am distracted getting the new tools out. But Sanne isn't just... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Forums repaired and progress on hands & feet tool

Over the last few weeks I'd been running into a lot of problems with the forum software that we use, until it eventually just gave out on us. I apologize for the time that the forums were down. With some updating and further monkeying, it looks like the forums are once again up and running. Hurrah! In the meanwhile, we've been playing with ways to set up the hands & feet shoot -- here are a few... Seguir leyendo

Noticias y anuncios: Looking for photographers in Portland, OR

We finally hit our fundraising goal! Now, I'm on the hunt for the perfect photographer to help us get pictures of hands & feet for the new tool. Although I have a starter list of photographers I'm calling, if you know someone who would be a perfect fit for this job, please link them here so they can get in touch with me! I'm hoping to interview as many photographers as possible to make sure we get the... Seguir leyendo