Line quality! These proportions are killer. And the movement is great, these are not stiff figures.
I am not trying to be meen but it looks like you are scratching the page with a finger nail. I don’t get any sense of core shadow, the lines do not describe the form, and the outline looks like it was scribbled in with a fat sharpie.
I am opting to be upfront with you because I feel like the figures themselves are good and they could be amazing. There is a couple of directions you could go with these. You could go the route and try to draw it clean lines and fill in the shadows with pure black. Or you could do guesture drawing and prioritize complete lines over accurate ones. Or you could go a constructive route and break the figure into cylinders and and boxes.
Anything you do is fine. You don’t want figure drawing to feel like a coloring book outline that you are filling it. It should feel like you are carving the surface bouncing between adding and subtracting.
you are going to improve so fast, keep it up