Clothes and drapery

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Creativity Home hace 4 años.

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  • #25298
    Hi ! I'm currently focusing on fabrics, folds and so on, I'll be glad to have honest feedback on few gestures that I found lovely imo.

    Either way I'm about to start a course on drapery (Moderndayjames if you know him) and I hope to have a deeper understanding over time.

    Thank you
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    Nice work on all three drapery studies, Creativity_Home. But here's two small requests: 1) How long did you take to sketch these out, Creativity_Home? 2) If you wanna learn more, do another drapery sketch in 30 seconds, flipped veritically, please?

    Thanks for your post,

    Polyvios Animations
    Hi! Thanks for replying !

    Do you have any suggestion to get better at it ? What could I do better ?

    It varies between 90 sec up to 3-4 minutes. Btw this is a very small part of my actual work. I mostly do them as warm-ups :)

    Yeah why not, seems fun, I'm going to do that now

    Edit : here we go
    You are brave! Drapery and fabric is some of the hardest stuff to get right.

    I remember when I was working on this in college, every day when I came into the studio there would be a different kind of fabric crumbled up on a table, with a very strong light pointed at it from one direction. We'd then spend quite awhile, up to an hour, trying to render the fabric in charcoal. I think this would be a pretty easy setup to replicate at home, if you wanted to give it a go.
    Thank you ! :) In fact you need to understand perspective, gesture, anatomy and your tools (lot of work but it gives freedom)

    I got better at drapery now after my workshop with moderndayjames, here an exemple :

    Of course I'll give it a shot, I've a personnal project ongoing involving 75 references of folds, drapery now that I understand its physics.

    If I want to become a professional in the animation / video game industry I must be disciplined, above all when your guts tells it to be that way.

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