hello!, from my experience, when I first started out drawing I thought that all I needed to learn was proportions as well. Its good knowing this but this wont help you draw in a more dynamic way you will just be copying flat shapes. What really improved my ability to sketch the face or figure or anything really was to learn how to feel the movement in whatever you are drawing and with that feeling of movement you can design you're shapes easier. Of course this takes alot of practice to understand what im talking about, but just think about it like this drawing is like music, feeling the motion,action and rhythms of the object you want to draw. For example a sky scraper consists of angles and lines going downard (these lines could change with perspective though) while the figure has more curves,angles and they all come together as a beautiful flow. Even with bad proportions you still could tell a story but practicing this concept will eventually lead you to get good proportions once you get hang of this way of drawing. No one ever told me this when i started on my journey they just say "just keep practicing'' but really you just have to find out with dedication and passion. so hopefully this helps! This helps me aswell to teach my self what im talking about, hope fully i can help more other beginning artists in the future. Best of luck and keep that pencil moving! oh and by the way remember that you are anaylyizing and not copying the contours, a perfect example of someone who does this is glenn villpu he's the top when it comes to this type of stuff.