Mensajes en el foro por Genemesis

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  • #28188

    Hi Ladyjade,

    I watched for a few minutes your drawings and I would have some little questions for you.

    Are you trying to capture the movement or the proportions, or maybe both?Maybe something else?

    In the beginning you were using articulations, and maybe trying to have everything right can be overwhelming for the moment. Maybe you should trying to use at first flow lines, like a liquid would go up and down, like seeing a river from above and then add more technical elements like contour and edges, of even the volume of the head. It takes a lot of time to feel and understand the volume of a model, especially through a screen, and I'm an advocate for focusing on one thing at a time. Sixty seconds is very short and you should focus on less details in my opinion: be more expressive, nobody has a right and definitive answer.

    None the less and whatever my point is, your work is interesting and you really seem to try to capture the action of the model. You only need more time and I'm sure you're on the path for a better understanding of the figure.

    Thanks for your submissions and take my words only for what they are: thoughts not facts. I could be totally wrong and I hope you have a lot of returns on your work.