Mensajes en el foro por Moriya

  • Autor
  • #31357

    Hey, thanks a lot for the advice so far! I'll check out that video.

    about establishing the biggest shapes first, is this the "blocking" method? or is it something else entirely? I'm not sure if I entirely follow, ahaha


    Hello! I've found this website, and it's a great help. However, I've found one main problem when I draw: I seem to have trouble with the proportions. basically, something like the below happens:

    I would usually resize the canvas or erase to make room, but I don't think it's a good habit, plus, when the figure drawings are timed, it does take a considerable amount of time away from what I could've been using to draw the poses. I've tried the enveloping method (where you draw something like the basic shape around the figure? unsure how to explain), and it does help me quite a bit, but if there's any other tips/methods I could use, it'd be gladly appreciated. Thanks!