Mensajes en el foro por Thomas47

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  • #2215

    Thank you Artful! Very good tips to be sure, lots of knowledge and experience behind your comments. I'm a bit stuck on the right fist being parallel to the left elbow; the others i got immediately.
    Good advice too, for transmitting images.
    Hope you all have a super New Year and a healthy one too.



    Hi Kay! No worries, you make perfect sense to me. I do get the out of proportion issue since nearly all drawings of mine end up being out of proportion. Ex: when I draw a head and then go to the neck and shoulder connections one side will be "accurate" while the other will be way off, i.e. line from neck blending into shoulder will bear little resemblance to opposite side of body. Then I get tense and frustration sets in and then more tension. I think a lot of my issues are rooted in absolutely no earlier experience in drawing at all. Well, those football plays I diagrammed in h.s. study hall don't really count lol . I love to read so naturally I delved into library books on 'how to draw'.
    Also the videos on the internet have been helpful but the teacher I meet with doesn't care for that material at all. So I'm pressing to gain pencil mileage by doodling lots and drawing those drills I find. I haven't experienced working with a live model and don't feel prepared to do so.
    I will check out your drawings and thanks for sharing them with me. I have learned from my teacher there are no mistakes in drawing, that's why there are erasers. She encourages me really to really lighten up. When we first began working together I was doing a blind drawing on my hand and she told me, "you can breathe while drawing"...
    Thanks again Kay, and please feel free to comment further.
    Best wishes,
    Tom in Indiana


    Thanks for your kind and insightful reply. Lots of very good suggestions which I will follow.
    I would be up for sharing some of my 'sketches' even as my self consciousness tries to hold me back. How would I share them? By scanning some of them?
    BTW, what do you think of the drsb (Edwards) way of learning and drawing? What do you consider meaningful practice say, when you're at home and have a pencil/pen and some paper at hand?

    Thanks again, Artful appreciate your suggestions muchly.



    Hi All: yep another senior who decided to learn how to draw. I've had 6 private lessons with a professor who had me doing blind contours, upside down Stravinsky drawing, upside down horse, blind contours of my hand (several). I found the internet to be useful for 'pencil mileage' while my teacher does not care for the net. Recently she assigned my 30 gesture drawings of one minute. Frankly I kind of freaked out and try as I might all of them looked to have been done by a 5 yr. old.
    We've had no pencil drills as such. My circles often have a flat spot on them, lines often wiggly/furry type. I hunger for having someone to talk with about this drawing thing as I very much want to become competent even later excellent. I am 70 yrs of age so maybe there is a bit of cognitive erosion re:hand eye coordination and frankly am fearful of that happening tho' I realize I cant stop it.
    For any of you inclined to offer advice I would be very grateful.