Mensajes en el foro por Straja

  • Autor
  • #25673
    These are about gesture drawing:



    Glenn Vilppu:



    Michael Hampton - he has even 40 minute lesson:


    Besites these when it comes to gersture you should check these channels:

    Love Life Drawing:

    New Masters Academy - You have a few instructors that draw gesture there
    Hello. Where you doing 2 min sketches? I'm gonna asume that these were 2 min sketches.

    Overall your drawings are ok. Proportions look good. I can see from your lines the body position.

    I've noticed some unnecessery lines at the lower part of the torso on some of these purple drawings. Aside from that there is still room for improvement when it comes to lines. These 5 and 10 min sketches are nice. Hetching is ok but you could try to separate light and shadow purely by coloring the whole protion of shadows. It's just my preference.
    Hello. I personally think it is ok to trace for exercise especially in some poses with foreshortening and it will help you to some extent but you should try to draw from observation most of the time.

    Good things: line quality

    Bad things: gesture in some poses

    Overall: You need to practice gesture. It looks like you are aware of gesture judging by some lines I would reccomend you to check out proko, glenn vilppu and maybe michael hampton on youtube. Proko has a videos where he explains gesture and a demostrational video, others have videos where they just draw.
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