21-Second Non-Grayscale Face Warm-Up

by Polyvios Animations, December 1st 2020 © 2020 Polyvios Animations
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 21 seconds in length. My current goal is: Improve my understanding of the forces of the facial skull, in terms of my facial anatomy. Hello, this is Polyvios Animations here again. Hey, this is my face warm-up that I've quickly sketched out from a grayscale image. As you can all see, I'm learning how to understand the forces of the skull, in terms of my facial anatomy. So, what do you think?
i'm really sorry but i don't see a face at all. keep on working, 21 seconds is not a lot to draw a face haha
Polyvios Animations
Thanks, Teberik, but this 21-second sketch is not meant to be clearly finished, but it helped me loosen up the broader strokes. Cheers to you.

polyvios animations
very expressive lines tho i like the colours!

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