Hurrah! The Hands & Feet and Expressions tools are finally live, along with bug fixing patches across all the tools. Thank you so much for your patience and support along this crazy process. I hope we've made you proud, and will continue to make you prouder.
Features of this update include:
- 429 photos of hands & feet
- 314 photos of faces
- Fixed stop button moving up when pause button is clicked -- play & pause buttons should now swap in the same on-screen location.
- Fixed "skip backward" button sometimes going to the wrong image
- Fixed "skip backward" button incorrectly resizing image
- Made an attempt to fix bug with Opera and other browsers incorrectly resizing the FIRST loaded image. Please let me know if this is working better for you, gang!
More on the way: There are still 3 models from our last shoot whose photos need to be uploaded and categorized into the new tools, so look forward to more hands, feet and faces in the very near future. I just wanted to get these out to you ASAP instead of making you wait for every last photo to be imported.
We're also scheduling a second hands/feet/faces photo shoot, at which we intend to capture images of the very young and the very old.
In the meanwhile, look for some new animal photos over the next two weeks!
What are you waiting for? Let's get drawing! :)