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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations 1 year ago.

  • S'abonner Favori
  • #30050

    Hello, everyone. (non-english speaker so please forgive any grammatical mistakes)

    It's been awhile since I've been on this website, but I'm glad I kept it in my Favourite.

    I love drawing, but it's been quite some time since I practice Figure Study due to work, and I realize how much I missed it.

    However I also realized I'm a bit rusty now. It's still look... decent (?) but I KNOW I can improve.

    I also know I struggle to see and draw the "shapes" inside the body correctly.

    Waiting for your feedbacks and any advices/excercices I should try on my next practice study.

    Thanks a lot.

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    • Keizia edited this post on August 15, 2023 12:34pm.
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    Hi fellow french person :)

    Looking at your work I can tell than you are WAY more advanced than me, you've done a good job working on your skills!
    So anything I'll say, keep in mind that these are just statements of what I'm feeling towards your drawings, just expressing what looks "good" or "bad" to me and giving suggestions.

    Regarding figure drawing I don't want to comment on your quick poses because I'm currently learning a new method of drawing the figure (Mattesi's method) and I feel I should do a little more practice before giving you advice on that aspect. On top of that you seem to know what you're doing.
    But I think you could put a cherry on top on your 5 and 10 minute drawings just by implementing more lines of beauty into your shape design.
    Try to use them by following the flow/rhythm of the figure.
    In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here is a video showing this concept applied to anatomy.

    And here are 2 poses of 5 minutes I've done today using (soft) lines of beauty as outlines. I'm still new at exploring this concept and currently learning anatomy, so the anatomy may look fundamentally off.

    In my eyes, using lines of beauty on human anatomy makes perfect sense to me, makes things more fleshy and "human".

    For the head drawings, I see that you made little to no underdrawings, which totally makes sense considering the brush used (otherwise the underdrawings would be very apparent) and I think that's the point (or maybe not, you tell me).
    However, even if I'm assuming that it is the point of using this brush and assuming you didn't want to go for a stylized look, I feel like they lack a sense of construction and realism. Aside from the one seen in profile on the second row which looked the best to me, I think you should emphasize these aspects a little bit.
    Still, this is pretty impressive for me considering these are probably 1 to 5 minute heads with minimal underdrawings :)


Salut Keizia ! Je rencontre le même problème cela peut vite devenir compliqué de se dégager du temps pour bien pratiquer le dessin à cause du travail =( Globalement je trouve que c'est très bien surtout pour une reprise ! J'aime particulièrement la 1ère planche , les poses sont fluides & dynamiques et les émotions/expressions déjà présentes ! (la malice & le côté joueur du chat, l'allure fière du lion...) j'aime également beaucoup le travail sur les mains : les poses sont justes , la ligne claire . Beau travail


Bonjour and hello, Keizia, and welcome aboard, I'm Polyvios, and how are you tonight? Say you're doing a mighty great therefore swell job on your basic shapes and forms, your animals, cats, felines, and figures, as gestures and basic lines go. Please do keep on pushing and pulling them more.

However, your attitude needs more work, if you could just please take a 30 minute nap, but why don't you please work with our interactive drawing tutorial, though it's only figure studies?

The reason is because of two facts,

1) Healthy body, healthy mind.

2) To be more broad in terms of your lines of action, even in your still lifes, basic shapes, and more.

For more info, please look into some Marc Brunet videos on YouTube, like this one.

My hat's off to you, friend, and good night, but have more fun.


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