Gesture advice

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Jvanimator 7 years ago.

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  • #377

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking to get some feedback on my gesture drawings, such as proportions, weight/balance, are the gestures reading well, etc. Also any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome as well.

    Thank you


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    Hello! Nice poses first off! They look really good. Your proportions are good too. though with gesture you shouldn't concentrate so much time on details of circles and shading. You need to get the basic feeling of the pose with gestures so try to just concentrate on filling out the form and getting the figure then if you have time you can try to clean up the figure with shading and fix any mistakes. A good exercise is to do like 5 60 sec ones to kinda get the rhythm of just drawing and not analyzing. Good Luck with the rest you're doing awesome work!



    Thank you for the feedback, I'll take your advice and check-in a couple of weeks from now with some new sketches.

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