Messages du forum par Ajourneytoart

  • Auteur
  • #25754
    Hello Kyr-Kun-Chan,

    i am really happy to provide feedback to this awsome artist as i can see from the photos.Feet and Hands its really parts of the body that people got anger from drawing hehe^^. But as i can see from day one you are really good in the harmony and the proportions of the hand. the movent of the hands are also diffcult but since the day one i can see that you have more than the basic proportions and all you need to start so in the day 13 i believe you have really practise your movements on the hands and the legs. When you finish your details inthe fingers and the palm make sure that the hands is properly attouched to the palm this is something that i believe that you can perfect :)

    Really happy to see your art and i am looking forward seeing your art again :)

    Greetings from Berlin :)