Messages du forum par Endolphinz

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  • #26140

    Tx Williep, Polyvios Animations, thank you! I greatly appreciate the replies. Sorry it took so long for me to return, but my college semester just started a couple days ago and I've been a bit busy.

    I haven't had the chance to use the Line of Action website services very much yet and I'm very excited to poke around and get a handle on them. A hands & feet learning tool sounds particularly like a godsend. I'll be sure to take a look, and I'll also check out that video! I'd like to study muscles and bone structure, among other things, but I'm still trying to figure out how exactly to go about anything like that in the correct way. I think I may be a little stuck worrying so much about whether or not I'm practicing properly that I'm not really practicing much at all.

    Thank you again for the suggestions! I'll do my best to apply them and hopefully make some real progress soon.


    Hello everybody! I hope I'm posting this on the right board, haha.

    I just registered for this website today because I was looking for some way to help get me started with drawing. I've been poking around trying to figure out how to learn, and seeing as this website seems to be dedicated to that I thought it would be a good idea.

    To be honest I really don't know what I'm supposed to do at all, so I kind of just went onto the figure drawing tool and just tried my best with a few of them. I feel as though I'm in an awkward position where I'm trying to start practicing, but in all actuality I'm not really sure what it is I'm supposed to practice doing nor how to go about practicing it. I've only drawn four figures here, and it took me like 5~8 minutes for each of them. I'd really appreciate it if anybody could guide me in the right direction and offer some feedback as to how I could have done it better. Also if anyone knows what I should be doing in general I'd REALLY appreciate that too!

    I'm feeling lost yet optimistic.