Messages du forum par Sap.un

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  • #30145

    Ah! Now that you have said it I am realising how much I ignore exaggeration when doing gesture.I rather stick to drawing what I see as it is and tend to make my gesture drawing accurate to the real pose.And that's maybe why sometimes my drawings are stiff when the real pose itself is not dynamic.

    Thank you so much for your feed back , I will definitely go through the resources you have provided.


    Well I have never tried shading in my gesture drawings for defining forms since I am totally noob at light and shadow stuff and 30 sec is too less of time for me,I might try that for 1-3min gesture.That will be an interesting approach too.Thankyou Oncehopp!


    Thank you for the advice and also good luck on your gesture practice :)

    what's bothering me about my gesture drawings is I think maybe the line quality??I feel that sometimes the lines I make seem scratchy/messy that do not help in conveying the gesture ( since I am following the proko figure drawing course and proko's gesture drawings are so clean)So I feel lacking in that aspect

    But maybe it will improve with time if I just keep practicing and I think that may help


    Hello everyone

    I am practicing gesture drawing for some time now and these are the ones I did recently.I want to know if my gesture drawings actually look gestural or am I focusing on contours more? Also I am confused about proportions?Are they important when it comes to gesture drawings because I often find myself giving attention to proportions when I am supposed to capture the gesture of the figure and it causes a mess (especially in 30sec drawings).Any kind of feedback is appreciated.Thank you

    (eng is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing)