Messages du forum par Giovanni Espinoza

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  • #28294

    Hi Pastabrother

    i think we have to start understanding the figure drawing as a tridimensional object, composed by squares, triangles, piramids, circles and cubes.

    This way you can understand the points of perspective aplied to some positions of the human figure.

    to start may help "Tridimensional drawing" by Andrew Loomis and the sinix videos about the figure drawing.

    Dont stop practicing!!


    Hello Retrocrisp.

    my advice to you is, to dont stop practicing the figure drawing, do it maybe 1 hour a day or a few minutes before start drawing your doodles. It can help you to relax your thoughts and hands to doing something that you like :).

    other advice is to start learning about the human anatomy, it can help you to understand every point of muscle and joint.

    Some books to understand anatomy are

    Andrew Loomis head and hands

    Andrew Loomis Figure in action.

    Some atlas of human anatomy.