
by SINE, March 23rd 2020 © 2020 SINE

Done as part of a 2 hour class.

My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form


Looks like your on your way to achieving your goals. I struggle with my proportions to. My only pointer would be try the head span technique your body's look good but heads look slightly small

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Moony1709 (unregistered visitor)

Both sketches here look very nice! Neither of them are too stiff or unnatural

Moony1709 (unregistered visitor)

Both sketches here look very nice! Neither of them are too stiff or unnatural

R Vatseva

Try to work with one line, when you try to draw the contours. It will be easier to start your construction of the figure with simple shapes, like spheres, cubes, cylinders and etc.
Keep going! You are on the path of success! :)


