Figure 30
© 2020 Tx Williep
Charcoal with white charcoal highlights. From a life drawing.
On 80 lb gray toned paper
Tx Williep
Thank you for doing a critique on my drawing. You have to be careful about putting in high lights. Don't overdo them. On the ribs, some people have thin skin (do not mean they react negatively to criticism - it mean you can see easily their bone structure through their skin). I will exaggerate things (like feet, hands, etc.) The left foot is closer to the viewer so they are exaggerated. The right foot is cut off at the bottom. The exaggeration may include shading. If you check my other drawings, you will see this is true (check Figure 29).
I really like the highlighting and certain shapes in the drawing. The leg seems very powerful, and maybe not completely in synch with the frail figure. Maybe the pose could gain from being a bit looser? But overall, I feel the drawing has a lot of personality, especially the face
Try to keep your perspective lines in check and the proportions will follow up with that! Always think of your figures as being subtractions from a rectangular block, and place that block in perspective how you see fit. once you can place your subject into space, the lighting becomes more apparent as well, and you will be able to naturally tell what highlights and shadows to push. Especially working with a midtone paper, to get a more naturalist feel, it helps to establish the positive and negative space with a broader shading to separate the figure from the paper.
Tx Williep
Thank you for critiquing my picture. Be aware, if I think it is necessary I will distort things. These include proportions, perspective, shading in the end. The light source was not in question for me. I did not think I needed or wanted to separate the figure from anything. Upon reflection, the stool could use another front leg in the back. I will keep your suggestions in mind for future works.
Tx Williep
The above reply was for both Brrcury & Brain H
The abdomen and the feet could use a little work,though. The closer foot seems a bit too big, and something about the three shadows near her ribs seems off, perhaps just a little too dark.