
by Mikeyb, May 29th 2022 © 2022 Mikeyb

New to the figure drawing

Marie A Z

Very good piece! My advice whould be to practice more on anatomy - the hip part looks a bit weird, but overall - very nice shading. The red on the hair looks like light but the red on the breasts and belly confuse me a bit, but that might be on purpose.

Keep practising, Good luck!

Laura R

HI there!

This is nice.

So I would love to see what you do with just two tones, dark and light along with the midtone of the paper. That would give you the ability to use at least 5 values with the pure white as highlights (used sparingly). Try to think of the body as a series of planes to give it substance and shape using how the light falls on the body to define those planes....

I tried to add a photo as an example but I don't seem to know how to do it from my laptop. I found this nice link that talks about anatomical planes. It explains what I mean.



